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What are Mining Institutions looking for in an e-Learning Platform

Mining Companies are looking at cost effective and efficient alternatives to the classic form of classroom training, but without the loss of quality.  e-Learning can provide an alternative where courses are developed by experts in their fields and can quickly be deployed to a much larger number of Learners than within the traditional classroom format.  Team members can be offered innovative comprehensive programs that can form part of their structured career plan, which can be taken at times suitable to them and from any location that has an internet connection.

The world of mining is a competitive environment and the role out of new production ideas needs to be rapid and accurate. e-Learning can be a great tool to help employees to quickly upskill with these new philosophies and ensure that there is a seamless introduction to these new company policies.  Employees can self-test or be tested on their knowledge with probing self-assessment tests as they go through a training intervention, so by the time they get to a final exam they are confident in their knowledge.

The induction of new employees can take place quickly and with much larger groups, as the limitations of the conventional class room settings disappears and the Learners can be trained using less training personnel, with reduced travelling time and outlays and also less accommodation and printing costs.

e-Learning can also form part of a Blended Training plan. Employees can follow though the online course which can then be enhance with an in-classroom facilitator led session or even using apps to insert a live webinar link via the eLearning web page.


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