2022 E-Learning Trends!The last 20 months or so have affected every industry, so we decided to investigate its effect on the on-line training industry. Here are our top 12 e-Learning trends for 2021 and 2022! # 1: Becoming more Human? Two years ago, if you had phoned anyone in business and heard kids running around or a dog barking in the background, it would have been deemed unprofessional. These days, it’s the norm, and what’s wrong with that? With many of us still working from home, there is going to be an impact from our family surroundings. With some reports stating that many industries are reporting that their team working from their homes are as efficient, if not more so, these kinds of background additions are going to be part of our business lives going forward. People are now looking at your online brand and persona and ‘seeing’ a person behind a desk. Embrace this. Bring your personality into your website, make your brands ‘voice’ friendlier, chattier, and more human. A cold, professional online brand no longer works in today’s climate. Jazz it up a bit and be yourself! #2: Letting Learners choose their Learning path, don’t drag them along Most of us have had to take part in compulsory training sometime in the past. It always seems to take place at the busiest time in the workplace, leading to Learners who don’t want to be there and often ‘pulls’ some Learners along at a pace they don’t feel comfortable with. We now have an opportunity for a tactical shift, giving Learners the chance to choose the pace they learn at, when they learn it, as well as the direction that learning takes. Happy Learners mean an increase in pass rates and success. Listen to your Learners and make the changes they want. #3: Don’t forget the Facilitators The last 20 months have had a huge impact on the way we deploy our training courses. Unfortunately, in some cases, it means we’ve left our facilitating team behind. We could add value to Learners if we took the wealth of knowledge those trainers have, and then showed them how to use training techniques, such as:
#4: Micro-Learning Working from home or remote learning means that there are new distractions and interruptions, which can really affect a Learner’s ability to study. By breaking the course down into workable chunks, we give our Learners the content they need, but in sections that they can manage, this is known as Micro-Learning. Micro modules allow us to give Learners the content they need now, holding back any current, unnecessary lessons that can be added later. Keep your courses brief, straightforward, useful, and practical. #5: Testing a Learner’s new skills. Adding knowledge-based quizzes to your courses can allow Learners to check that they have absorbed the content correctly and allow them to go over sections they have not understood. Making your courses interactive enables you to control whether a Learner can go onto the next module if they have not understood the previous one. This will stop Learners from clicking through modules, without learning. It will also keep your Learners focused on the subject and not ‘zone out.’ #6: Use what you’ve got. Having perfectly designed e-learning content has to be first prize, but it takes time to develop and can be expensive. Most training companies have training materials they’ve used in their classroom environment for some time, and they work. Rather than spending months waiting and paying for development, upload the content you have, even it’s in PDF format. Later you can add videos, slideshows, etc. and while you are enhancing the course, get your facilitators to run ‘live’ webinar events. You can record these events and then add them as content too. We’ll be keeping track of training industry trends, and will send out our next six top trend soon, so keep an eye out for our newsletter, or go to www.virtual-it.co.za |

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