Palladium LMS Demonstration Video
How does the Virtual-IT Palladium LMS help you?
The Virtual-IT Palladium LMS provides all the essential features you need to capture, assess, report, and evaluate your learning outcomes effectively. With powerful tools for managing learner and client data, scheduling events, and generating reports, this system streamlines your entire training process. We have added such features as Learner Data Capturing using Microsoft Forms. whereby, you Learners capture their data via a form they get from your website, and the your administrators can bulk import that information into your Pallidum LMS.
We've also added a Beta QCTO reporting section.
The Palladium LMS is a powerful, flexible solution that helps you manage and streamline your training operations. With robust features for tracking, reporting, and evaluating learning progress, this system ensures that you stay on top of learner data, client communications, and training events—all in one place.
Learners Module
- Full Contact and Demographic details
- Learner Record Duplication screening
- Communication and Absenteeism logs
- Education Modules
- Quick and Easy access to Records of Learning and Achievements
- Linking to Learner Files e.g. Certificates, IDs
- Disciplinary and Grievance reporting
- Admin and Vouchers Section
- Employment History and Gainful Employment Reports
- Registration Forms
- Student ID Cards
- Swift Learner Data capturing using Microsoft Forms
Clients Module
- Full Contact and details
- Space for multiple contacts per Client
- Communication Log
- Sales Modules
- Linking to Client Files i.e. Assessment Reports, Invoices, Maps to premises
- Admin Section
- New QCTO Fields added
- Course Builder allows for QCTO modules
- Accreditation exports for QCTO MIS - Beta at present
Training Event Scheduler
- Easy to Use Event Scheduling
- Click and drop Learner registering
- Automatic One Day or Five Day Attendance registers
- Training Event Planner
- Easy to add and use Facilitators, Assessors, Moderators, Sub-Providers, and Venues
- Booking Confirmation letters
- Facilitator and Venue Availability Reports
- Company and Individual Invoices
- Course Costing Module
- Learner Evaluation Feedback
- Assessment Module with Reports per Course, per Learner ,and Client for both Seta's and Beta QCTO
- Portfolio of Evidence Tracker
- Certificate Module with Automatic Certificates
- Projects and Assignments Module
- Assessment Preparation
- Mentoring, Coaching, and Tutoring section
- Site Visits recording
- Over 150 Reports including:
- Audit Reports
- HR Reports
- Learner Reports
- Client Reports
- Training Event Reports
- Qualification Reports
- Three Permission Access Levels
- Password Controlled Access
- Direct e-mailing of reports
- Exporting of data to Excel for self developing of Reports
- Learner contact and demographic easy imports using Microsoft Forms
Qualification Module
- Qualification Builder using Unit Standards or your own and/or QCTO modules
- Unit Standards Module
Get In Touch With Us Now!
Contact us for more info on our range of LMS's at: [email protected]